Barbra Streisand says she ‘can’t live in this country’ if Donald Trump wins 2024 presidential election

After coldly serenading former president Donald trump in her song “Don’t Lie to Me,” Barbra Streisand again slams the “tyrant,” saying if the Republican front-runner for 2024 is re-elected, she’s leaving the United States.

Calling the four-times-indicted Trump “so stupid,” and “ill-informed,” the singer and actor recently shared with Stephen Colbert “I can’t live in this country if he becomes president.”

But this isn’t the first time she’s made that threat, nor is she the only celebrity who broke their vows of fleeing to Canada, Europe or even Jupiter after Trump last won in 2016.

Barbra Streisand, the 81-year-old treasure wasn’t meaning to be a  Funny Girl when she said, “Yes, Mr. Trump, let’s make America great again. But first, get one thing straight: America was great – before you were elected.”

The long-time Democratic supporter and fundraiser isn’t shy over expressing her dislike of the former president and has called him “the Liar in Chief, the Groper in Chief.”

In 2018, the EGOT (she holds an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony) released her 36th album, “Walls,” inspired by the reality show star turned President of the United States.

Speaking with Associated Press about the song, she said, “I wanted to talk about the things that were making me feel so sad, heartbroken.” Streisand continues, “I just can’t stand what’s going on. His assault on our democracy, our institutions, our founders – I think we’re in a fight…We’re in a war for the soul of America.”

The Grammy-nominated album – a musical homage to Trump’s tyranny – includes songs like “Don’t Lie to Me,” which Streisand explains was motivated by the news that made her “sick, listening to lies, listening to things that are such craziness.”

“I can’t stand being lied to, and I don’t think the country should be lied to either.” She then quips, “And I just couldn’t comprehend how he could tell all these lies with absolutely no guilt (clearly he’s not Jewish.)”

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