A woman shared food with a homeless man on the street, only to discover the next day that he was Richard Gere…

A resident of France, Karine Gombeau, was visiting New York and decided to take a walk through the city’s streets.

In one of the alleys, she saw a homeless man near the garbage cans, who appeared to be searching for food.

Karine shared food with this homeless man on the street, only to find out the next day that it was Richard Gere.

Without hesitation, she went into a nearby diner, bought a pizza, and handed it to the man.

It was only when she read the newspapers the next day that she realized she had met Richard Gere, whom she had mistaken for a homeless person.

Karine noticed a significant number of homeless people in New York compared to Europe, and the man in the alley particularly moved her, prompting her to help him sincerely.

Karine did not speak English well, so she didn’t understand anything the man said. She simply gave him the package, wished him a good day, and continued her walk.

However, paparazzi, who always follow actors working on the streets, captured a series of photos that appeared in the newspapers the next day.

Karine learned from the papers that Gere was in character for a shoot and didn’t want to change during his lunch break.

The fact that she didn’t recognize the celebrity highlighted the skill of the make-up artists and stylists who worked on Gere’s appearance.

Karine and her family had come to this part of the city by chance, unaware that a film was being shot nearby.

The story ended up being amusing, and Gere later admitted to reporters that the woman’s kindness had a profound impact on him.

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